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Diamond Wood Cues

Engineered to be a Game Changer

Diamond Wood Cues is a leading cue manufacture with over 30 years of engineering experience. We provide an unparalleled selection of quality products, an easy shopping experience, and exceptional customer service.

Find your next cue today.

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Our Products

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Built with the carbon fiber in the southeast, we deliver the best shafts on the market today. Engineered with MI USA Technology, you can always guarantee a smooth hit.

Break / Jump Cue

Need a stylish break / jump cue? Look no further, not only are our break and jump cues stylish. They will deliver the finest and smoothest hit around.


Laminate playing cues and Much much more..

Need a full setup. Don't worry we got you covered.

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The Story of Laminate Cues

Best in the Business


What makes each Diamond wood cue one-of-a-kind? Uniqueness. Each cue is different, even in the same color design and no two cues look exactly the same. From our wide range of options and patterns, to your choice of styles, sizes, and shaft options...your Laminate cue will be like no other in the market.

Thirty years of engineering experience combined

with meticulous manufacturing create reliable results that

come standard with every cue.


Our passion for excellence has driven us from the beginning, and continues to drive us into the future. The team at Diamond Wood Cues knows that every product counts, and strives to make cue products as rewarding and fun as possible. Check out our store and special offers, and get in touch with questions or requests.

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